AngularJS: End-to-end Testing


If you’re starting a new Angular project, you may want to look into using Protractor, as it is going to replace the current method of E2E Testing in the near future.

As applications grow in size and complexity, it becomes unrealistic to rely on manual testing to verify the correctness of new features, catch bugs and notice regressions.

To solve this problem, we have built an Angular Scenario Runner which simulates user interactions that will help you verify the health of your Angular application.


You will write scenario tests in JavaScript, which describe how your application should behave, given a certain interaction in a specific state. A scenario is comprised of one or more it blocks (you can think of these as the requirements of your application), which in turn are made of commands and expectations. Commands tell the Runner to do something with the application (such as navigate to a page or click on a button), and expectations tell the Runner to assert something about the state (such as the value of a field or the current URL). If any expectation fails, the runner marks the it as “failed” and continues on to the next one. Scenarios may also have beforeEach and afterEach blocks, which will be run before (or after) each it block, regardless of whether they pass or fail.

In addition to the above elements, scenarios may also contain helper functions to avoid duplicating code in the it blocks.

Here is an example of a simple scenario:

describe('Buzz Client', function() {
it('should filter results', function() {
  expect(repeater('ul li').count()).toEqual(10);
  expect(repeater('ul li').count()).toEqual(1);

Note that input('user') finds the <input> element with ng-model="user" not name="user".

This scenario describes the requirements of a Buzz Client, specifically, that it should be able to filter the stream of the user. It starts by entering a value in the input field with ng-model=”user”, clicking the only button on the page, and then it verifies that there are 10 items listed. It then enters ‘Bees’ in the input field with ng-model=’filterText’ and verifies that the list is reduced to a single item.

The API section below lists the available commands and expectations for the Runner.




Pauses the execution of the tests until you call resume() in the console (or click the resume link in the Runner UI).


Pauses the execution of the tests for the specified number of seconds.


Loads the url into the test frame.

browser().navigateTo(url, fn)

Loads the URL returned by fn into the testing frame. The given url is only used for the test output. Use this when the destination URL is dynamic (that is, the destination is unknown when you write the test).


Refreshes the currently loaded page in the test frame.


Returns the window.location.href of the currently loaded page in the test frame.


Returns the window.location.pathname of the currently loaded page in the test frame.


Returns the of the currently loaded page in the test frame.


Returns the window.location.hash (without #) of the currently loaded page in the test frame.


Returns the $location.url() of the currently loaded page in the test frame.


Returns the $location.path() of the currently loaded page in the test frame.


Returns the $ of the currently loaded page in the test frame.


Returns the $location.hash() of the currently loaded page in the test frame.


Asserts the value of the given future satisfies the matcher. All API statements return a future object, which get avalue assigned after they are executed. Matchers are defined using angular.scenario.matcher, and they use the value of futures to run the expectation. For example:expect(browser().location().href()).toEqual(''). Available matchers are presented further down this document.


Asserts the value of the given future satisfies the negation of the matcher.

using(selector, label)

Scopes the next DSL element selection.


Returns the value of the first binding matching the given name.


Enters the given value in the text field with the corresponding ng-model name.


Checks/unchecks the checkbox with the corresponding ng-model name.


Selects the given value in the radio button with the corresponding ng-model name.


Returns the current value of an input field with the corresponding ng-model name.

repeater(selector, label).count()

Returns the number of rows in the repeater matching the given jQuery selector. The label is used for test output.

repeater(selector, label).row(index)

Returns an array with the bindings in the row at the given index in the repeater matching the given jQuery selector. Thelabel is used for test output.

repeater(selector, label).column(binding)

Returns an array with the values in the column with the given binding in the repeater matching the given jQueryselector. The label is used for test output.


Picks the option with the given value on the select with the given ng-model name.

select(name).options(value1, value2…)

Picks the options with the given values on the multi select with the given ng-model name.

element(selector, label).count()

Returns the number of elements that match the given jQuery selector. The label is used for test output.

element(selector, label).click()

Clicks on the element matching the given jQuery selector. The label is used for test output.

element(selector, label).query(fn)

Executes the function fn(selectedElements, done), where selectedElements are the elements that match the given jQuery selector and done is a function that is called at the end of the fn function. The label is used for test output.

element(selector, label).{method}()

Returns the result of calling method on the element matching the given jQuery selector, where method can be any of the following jQuery methods: valtexthtmlheightinnerHeightouterHeightwidthinnerWidth,outerWidthpositionscrollLeftscrollTopoffset. The label is used for test output.

element(selector, label).{method}(value)

Executes the method passing in value on the element matching the given jQuery selector, where method can be any of the following jQuery methods: valtexthtmlheightinnerHeightouterHeightwidthinnerWidth,outerWidthpositionscrollLeftscrollTopoffset. The label is used for test output.

element(selector, label).{method}(key)

Returns the result of calling method passing in key on the element matching the given jQuery selector, where methodcan be any of the following jQuery methods: attrpropcss. The label is used for test output.

element(selector, label).{method}(key, value)

Executes the method passing in key and value on the element matching the given jQuery selector, where methodcan be any of the following jQuery methods: attrpropcss. The label is used for test output.


Matchers are used in combination with the expect(...) function as described above and can be negated with not(). For instance: expect(element('h1').text()).not().toEqual('Error').


// value and Object comparison following the rules of angular.equals().
// a simpler value comparison using ===
// checks that the value is defined by checking its type.
// the following two matchers are using JavaScript's standard truthiness rules
// verify that the value matches the given regular expression. The regular
// expression may be passed in form of a string or a regular expression
// object.
// a check for null using ===
// Array.indexOf(...) is used internally to check whether the element is
// contained within the array.
// number comparison using < and >


See the angular-seed project for more examples.

Conditional actions with element(…).query(fn)

E2E testing with angular scenario is highly asynchronous and hides a lot of complexity by queueing actions and expectations that can handle futures. From time to time, you might need conditional assertions or element selection. Even though you should generally try to avoid this (as it is can be sign for unstable tests), you can add conditional behavior with element(...).query(fn). The following code listing shows how this function can be used to delete added entries (where an entry is some domain object) using the application’s web interface.

Imagine the application to be structured into two views:

beforeEach(function () {
  var deleteEntry = function () {
    // we need to select the <tbody> element as it might be the case that there
    // are no entries (and therefore no rows). When the selector does not
    // result in a match, the test would be marked as a failure.
    element('table tbody').query(function (tbody, done) {
      // ngScenario gives us a jQuery lite wrapped element. We call the
      // `children()` function to retrieve the table body's rows
      var children = tbody.children();
      if (children.length > 0) {
        // if there is at least one entry in the table, click on the link to
        // the entry's detail view
        element('table tbody a').click();
        // and, after a route change, click the delete button
      // if there is more than one entry shown in the table, queue another
      // delete action.
      if (children.length > 1) {
      // remember to call `done()` so that ngScenario can continue
      // test execution.
  // start deleting entries

In order to understand what is happening, we should emphasize that ngScenario calls are not immediately executed, but queued (in ngScenario terms, we would be talking about adding future actions). If we had only one entry in our table, then the following future actions would be queued:

// delete entry 1
element('table tbody').query(function (tbody, done) { ... });
element('table tbody a');

For two entries, ngScenario would have to work on the following queue:

// delete entry 1
element('table tbody').query(function (tbody, done) { ... });
element('table tbody a');
    // delete entry 2
    // indented to represent "recursion depth"
    element('table tbody').query(function (tbody, done) { ... });
    element('table tbody a');


ngScenario does not work with apps that manually bootstrap using angular.bootstrap. You must use the ng-app directive.