Dojo: custom builds

En este tuto explicaremos como hacer un sistema dojo reducido para que el rendimiento de nuestra app mejore (menos peso de librerias). Esta guia brevemente nos enseña los usos más comunes y parámetros. Para información detallada ver full build documentation.


Un custom build de dojo mejora el rendimiento por medio de lo siguiente:

Se trata de diseñar los módulos de cada capa con un “profile” , que es algo similar a un script de Ant o un Makefile. Pero esto no es dificil si conoces tu app bien.

La entrada al build system es el árbol de codigo fuente del dojo, más cualquier fuente para asuntos personalizados que quieras incluir… más el profile. La salida es una distribución de Dojo que puedes poner en tu web server.


Necesitas lo siguiente instalado en tu ordenador para ejecutar el Dojo’s build system:

  • Java 1.4.2 or later (Java 1.5 recommended).
  • El código fuent de Dojo, que puedes obtener de Los builds de código fuente tienen el sufijo “-src”. Si quieres descargarte la última versión del repositorio Subversion , puedes hacerlo en Using Subversion .

Parámetros de perfiles y de linea de comando

El build system es manejado por el script (o build.bat para Windows), que acepta varios parámetros en la línea de conados, uno de los cuales debe indicar qué build profile se debe utilizar para hacer el build. Los parámetros especificados en la línea de comando y el profile son combinados para hacer el build.

Nota: In Dojo versions 1.X CHECK FACT and later, if parameter values from the profile override parameters of the same name on the command line. Prior to version 1.X CHECK FACT, parameters on the command line override parameters of the same name from the profile.

Donde de ponen los profiles?

Cuando especificamos el nombre del profile por el parámetro profile , el directorio por defecto para los profiles es :


Podemos poner los profiles fuera de la estructura de directorios de Dojo (lo cual no es mala idea de forma que podamos utilizarlo en subsecuentes versiones de Dojo), puedes utilizar el parámetro profileFile para que apunte a tu profile en cualquier sitio del disco.

Nomenclatura de los profiles

Tus profiles deben seguir siempre la siguiente nomenclatura  name.profile.js. El parámetro  profile automaticamente añade  profile.js a la string que sea especificada para determinar el nombre del fichero.

Ejemplo: Crear un Custom Profile

En el siguiente ejemplo, que está dentro del directorio  util/buildscripts/profiles , crearemos un fichero profile build llamado foo.profile.js que contendrá lo siguiente:

dependencies ={

  layers:  [
      name: "mydojo.js",
      dependencies: [

  prefixes: [
      [ "dijit", "../dijit" ],
      [ "dojox", "../dojox" ],
      [ "explosive", "../../explosive" ]


La sección dependencies dentro de layer lista todos los módulos que puedes invocar “directamente”. Cualquier módulo referenciado también será incluido, asi que no tienes que preocuparte de las dependencias. También, los módulos base de Dojo están implicitos, asi que no necesitas listar cosas como “dojo.query”. (Los módulos core , sin embargo , sí necesitan ser listados)

Los módulos encontrados en layer son reunidos para hace el fichero “layer”, en nuestro ejemplo: “mydojo.js”. Entonces ya solo tienes que cargar este js en tus páginas en la script tag para empezar a funcionar con dojo. Fácil!



The prefixes section list any modules that need inclusion. Note our “explosive” module, which is located away from the Dojo tree. You need to list these if you use them, even if you don’t want any modules from it in your layer file.

For the 1.0+: If you choose to optimize the JS files in a prefix directory (via the optimize= build parameter), you can choose to have a custom copyright text prepended to the optimized file. To do this, specify the path to a file tha contains the copyright info as the third array item in the prefixes array. For instance:

prefixes: [
    [ "explosive", "../../explosive", "../../explosive/copyright.txt"]

If no copyright is specified in this optimize case, then by default, the dojo copyright will be used.

Running The Build

After specifying a profile file as shown above that statically specifies the resources you want to include, and saving it as /buildscripts/profiles/foo.profile.js, you run the Rhino interpreter on it and specify the profile name as a parameter. For example, from the buildscripts directory:

$ cd util/buildscripts
$ profile=foo action=release

On Windows PC’s, substitute build.bat for For both platforms, you may also specify additional build options. Run with no options to see a list of all supported options. Here is a sample of the supported options:

The name of the profile to use for the build. It must be the first part of the profile file name in the profiles/ directory. For instance, to use base.profile.js, specify profile=base. Default: base
A file path to the profile file. Use this if your profile is outside of the profiles directory. Do not specify the “profile” build option if you use “profileFile” Default: “”
The build action(s) to run. Can be a comma-separated list, like action=clean,release. The possible build actions are: clean, release Default: “help”.Note: the ”release” action automatically implies the ”clean” action, except when you have used the advanced parameter ”buildLayers” in your profile.

The build will be stamped with this version string Default: “”
The set of locales to use when flattening i18n bundles Default: “en-gb,en-us,de-de,es-es,fr-fr,it-it,pt-br,ko-kr,zh-tw,zh-cn,ja-jp”
The name of the release. A directory inside ‘releaseDir’ will be created with this name Default: “dojo”
The top level release directory where builds end up. The ‘releaseName’ directories will be placed inside this directory Default: “../../release/”
The type of dojo loader to use. “default” or “xdomain” are acceptable values.” defaultValue: “default”
Turn on or off widget template/dojo.uri.cache() file interning Default: true
Specifies how to optimize module files. If “comments” is specified, then code comments are stripped. If “shrinksafe” is specified, then the Dojo compressor will be used on the files, and line returns will be removed. If “shrinksafe.keepLines” is specified, then the Dojo compressor will be used on the files, and line returns will be preserved. If “packer” is specified, Then Dean Edwards’ Packer will be used Default: “”Note: using the ”packer” option is discouraged in most environments. In environments where the http server supports gzip compression automatically, ”shrinksafe” will provide better performance. ”packer” also does more transformations to the underlying source code.

Specifies how to optimize the layer files. If “comments” is specified, then code comments are stripped. If “shrinksafe” is specified, then the Dojo compressor will be used on the files, and line returns will be removed. If “shrinksafe.keepLines” is specified, then the Dojo compressor will be used on the layer files, and line returns will be preserved. If “packer” is specified, Then Dean Edwards’ Packer will be used Default: “shrinksafe”
Turn on or off copying of test files Default: true
Sets the logging verbosity. See jslib/logger.js for possible integer values Default: logger.TRACE
If the loader=xdomain build option is used, then the value of this option will be used for the path to Dojo modules. The dijit and dojox paths will be assumed to be sibilings of this path. The xdDojoPath should end in ‘/dojo’ Default: “”

Cross Domain (XDomain) Builds

Doing an xdomain build allows you to load Dojo and your custom modules from another domain.


  • You get more connections in MSIE, since you can load from another domain. Faster loading.
  • You get increased cacheability/startup if many of your applications use the same installation.
  • Resource loading does not block the rest of the page from filling in as with Dojo’s normal, synchronous loading.
  • With a local install, your ISP may charge you for all of those Dojo bits that you are serving.


  • Not all external resources can be xdomain loaded, in particular some support files that need to be loaded from the same domain as the HTML page. See module-specific notes below.
  • Requires a “xdomain” build of Dojo (see below for more info on how to make a xdomain build).
  • Asynchronous loading. You MUST use dojo.ready() to register a callback function to get notification of package loading. This can be used even after the initial page load. Just do the dojo.require()s that you need, and then call dojo.ready() with a callback function, and once those new packages are loaded (or if they are already loaded), then the callback will be called. This technique works even for the normal Dojo loader, so this is a good practice to use even when not using an xdomain build.
  • Avoid using document.write(): Since module can load asynchronously, after the page is loaded, document.write can cause problems.

Module-specific Notes, dijit.Editor, dijit._editor.RichText: You need to save dojo/resources/blank.html to the same domain as your HTML page and set dojoConfig.dojoBlankHtmlUrl to the path on that domain.Note: The dijit.Editor/dijit._editor.RichText has a bug in release 1.1.0 where it was not using this dojoConfig parameter. It is fixed in Dojo 1.1.1 and later.

dojo.back: You need to save dojo/resources/blank.html to the same domain as your HTML page and set dojoConfig.dojoIframeHistoryUrl to the path on that domain.

dojox.flash.Info(): It uses document.write() which will cause problems if dojox.flash is loaded via dojo.require().

Doing xdomain builds

Sample xdomain build command:

$ cd util/buildscripts
$ profile=foo loader=xdomain xdDojoPath= action=release

xdDojoPath is optional. It just burns in the location of dojo, dijit and dojox into the built dojo.js. If you do not specify that option, then you will need to use dojoConfig.modulePaths/dojo.registerModulePath() in your HTML page to set the xdomain locations for dojo, dijit and dojox. For your own custom modules, you will have to set dojoConfig.modulePaths/dojo.registerModulePath() even if you use the xdDojoPath build option.

For Dojo 0.9 through 1.1.x: there is a bug about loading dojox.gfx with an xdomain build. This is fixed in Dojo 1.2. If you want to use dojox.gfx with an xdomain build of Dojo 0.9-1.1.x, there are some workarounds until the bug gets fixed:

How to use xdomain builds in web pages

  • In dojoConfig, add useXDomain = true.
  • In dojoConfig, add a modulePaths object that maps where to find your modules.
  • Only use dojo.require() to load xdomain layers. Do not reference the .xd.js file for the layer file. The one exception is dojo.xd.js. If your layer does not map to a real module name, then specify a resourceName: property for that layer in your build profile. The other option is to load the built .js file (not .xd.js file) in a script tag.
  • Register a callback function to get notification of when the packages are loaded by using dojo.ready().
  • Optional: set a wait time in milliseconds (dojoConfig.xdWaitSeconds) that specifies how long the resource loader should wait for a resource to load until returning an error. Since script elements do not give information about failed or long-running requests, this timeout is used to prevent infinite waiting in the browser. An exception will be thrown to indicate a load error. The default xdWaitSeconds is 15.

XDomain Example

Here is an example showing how to load local modules along with an xdomain-loaded dojo and dijit. You can download this example.

TODOC: everything. outline here:

  • summary
  • requirements / setup
  • creating a profile
  • command line arguments
  • special builds: * layers * css
  • file structure

link to full docs to cover:

  • excludeStart/Stop
  • restoreRequire
  • layerDependencies
  • discard
  • .uncompressed.js
  • customBase
  • more..